<라틴아메리카연구 Asian Journal of Latin American Studies> Vol. 34 No. 1를 올립니다.
수록된 글은 다음과 같습니다.
1. Income Inequality and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: The Role of Savings (Carlos Dabús / Fernando Delbianco)
2. 브라질 원주민 토지의 법적 권리와 분쟁 (김영철)
3. Causing Troubles Elsewhere: The Shining Path and Its International Networks, 1980-1993 (Jian Gao)
4. What is the Key for Sustainable Development in the Banking Sector for Latin American Emerging Countries? (Wen Hsiang Chiu)
5. Peruvian Prison Reforms and the Covid-19 Outbreak (Gustavo Raul Ytokazu Minami)
6. Dekasegi Portuguese: Towards a Nomenclature and Outlining of the Existence of a Portuguese Language Variety in Japan (Felipe Dall’Ava)
1. Globalization of Latin American Studies in the Intertwined Network (Nobuaki Hamaguchi)
2. Outsiders within: Latin American Studies from East Asian Perspectives (Yun-Joo Park)
3. Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca: On the Intellectual Implications of Latin American Studies in East Asia (Guo Jie)
4. Globalization of Latin American Studies: Perspectives from East Asia (Commentary) (Melba Falck Reyes)